The pure road of independence

The pure road of independence

After arriving at Frankfurt Airport I walked through the busy corridors to gate E24, where I would transfer to the Air China plane to Beijing. The waiting area for boarding was almost empty except for a dozen Chinese and one Caucasian man. I sat down and picked up the...
What is your legacy?

What is your legacy?

The human life often follows a certain pattern. First of all, there is the open expectation of the child that everything is still possible. Becoming an astronaut, the president, a firefighter or a mother. No child will wonder about the difficulties, they will face to...
The power of Silence

The power of Silence

I never forget my first lesson of Yuan Qi Gong with Dr. Sun. For some time now, every morning I was in Di Tan Park to practice Qi Gong. Sometimes I practiced alone and for another period of time, I joined a group led by a teacher. Every morning I was able to be at a...
Death, another miracle of life

Death, another miracle of life

Life is one big miracle; filled with all kinds of miracles. One of the greatest miracles we think is the miracle of birth. A miracle filled with joy and new promises. That is what we like. Opposite to that, there is the miracle of death. A miracle, for sure! But I...
The real key to Qi Gong

The real key to Qi Gong

You can talk about a lot of things which are important to Qi Gong; hold your hand like this, put your feet like that, breathe in towards the belly, use the empty force, move like you move through water and many more. All these points of attention are true, but none of...
The freedom of your own conviction

The freedom of your own conviction

‘Acupuncture only works properly if you are truly convinced that it will work.’ Dr. Sun said as a comment on a treatment that didn’t go very well. A little surprised I looked at him. ‘You have to believe in it!’ I heard all the skeptics of the past in my head. The...
Qi Gong is your personal improvement

Qi Gong is your personal improvement

Qi Gong, like physical exercise or yoga is good for everybody. If people talk about it they almost always mention its relaxing effect. What most people don’t realize is that you can use Qi Gong for everything that needs improving regarding yourself as a human being....
The bigger effect of the moment

The bigger effect of the moment

“I’m not a particularly nervous type, but I can remember that I was pretty shaky on the day of my first practical exam. This assessment consisted of examining a patient. After you had made your diagnosis you then had to treat the patient in a appropriate...
The essence of Qi Gong

The essence of Qi Gong

Learning Qi Gong is not difficult but easy, because it is about retrieving an ability you once had. When you were a child, you had to let go of this ability to conform yourself to the world. Learning Qi Gong is not about learning postures, exercises, breathing and...
The deeper notion of simplicity

The deeper notion of simplicity

I had an impressive collection of books on Traditional Chinese Medicine. I had also, more or less, read them all. At certain points these books presented different views of different subjects. When I encountered these differences, I would study the theories until I...